My Future Career In Daniel Pink's Drive By Daniel Pink

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The book Drive was able to make me realize when looking at my future career I need to ask myself, “What will make me happy for the rest of my life?” and not “What will make me rich?” Daniel Pink the author of Drive makes a solid, science built point regarding motivation 3.0 in his book. For the 21st century we are in need of more people that allow themselves to have autonomy, purpose and mastery in their life. To become successful and achieve happiness in their careers. Able to look at my future career as a specialist instructor/teacher in a different point of view. After reading every chapter I was able to see how I can apply some of these methods to achieve my goals and also be happy in my career. Most of us look at our future and think we …show more content…

The autonomy in my career would be to be allowed to teach children to think outside of the box and not be subject to a certain structure of teaching. There will be some challenges depending on the school’s district policy and the principal of the course. Each school district and principal have policies on the required curriculum and at what pace the students need to move on. But, there are some occasions where they give us the requirements that have to be met with a time frame. At the same time give us the freedom to teach it in our own way. Although I have mixed emotions about Pink’s theory about autonomy I do agree “We should focus on what people get done, not how many hours or days worked” (99). What Pink is trying to say is we need to focus on the end results instead of punching in and out on a time clock. In many, but not all career autonomy can work to increase productivity, but each career field has a limit on the extent of autonomy that can be given. In my career path autonomy to the fullest extended will not benefit because the children only go to school during specific hours in a day. Where autonomy can come into play is during instructional time. Giving me the freedom to teach them and not have to follow a textbook page by page can increase the probability of a child getting as much as possible from the lesson. Each child learns differently and there are no two minds that learn or think the …show more content…

I’ll be doing the same thing year after year, but the repetition will make me find the best flow that works for me. This will teach me to master my skills and become better each year with each child. Acknowledging Pink’s theory of mastery, when someone is doing what they love even on the days they don’t feel like doing it (123). In other words, when someone loves what they do and they still have no regrets. Waking up every morning wanting to do the best in their field even on the occasional Monday blues. It reminds me of the real reason why I choose my career for the satisfaction of helping others. When we do something that we enjoy every day I think we don’t even noticed we have mastered it because we are so busy enjoy every minute. I wanted to make sure whatever I choose for my career, I was ready to do it for the rest of my life. To love what I do and I truly believe being a teacher will give me that. Knowing I will master my job not because I will focus on mastering it, but because when I figure out I had mastered it I wouldn’t have even notice

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