The DREAM Act Debate

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Since the inception of this country, we as a nation of immigrants have struggled with the question of who should be a citizen and who should not. It is no surprise that illegal immigration greatly affects our nation and is now one of the leading debates our country faces, polarizing our society on many levels. This paper addresses the debate over the ‘Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act’, (DREAM Act 2011, 2011); a proposal purported to be the solution for innocent victims of illegal immigration. It discusses possible consequences of ‘The DREAM Act’ and how it may play a negative role in our society, legal system, and moral standards.

The DREAM Act, while a pretender to the betterment of our nation; is a mistake, a tragic and misguided attempt to extend a helping hand to would-be citizens brought here by illegal resident parents who broke our laws. Granting amnesty, especially to a select few, sends the wrong message. "The definition of amnesty is 'the act of a government by which pardon is granted to a large number of individuals.' And legalizing millions of illegal immigrants is just that: a pardon for violating our immigration laws. If we give amnesty to illegal immigrants who deliberately disregarded our immigration laws, it sends the message that we do not take our laws seriously" (Rubio, 2012).

The United States of America has a long history of granting citizenship to those who have served the nation militarily. We have extended our rights and privilege to those foreign born who earned it with military service, where character and moral values are continually demonstrated and evaluated. We cannot lower our standards for a select few, non-proven individuals regardless of circumst...

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