Analysis Of The Discrimination At Large

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“You would really be pretty if you lose weight”, maybe this sounds polite and kind of innocent but the actual tone and deeper meanings are very discriminatory. The Discrimination At Large by Jennifer Coleman is an article where the author demonstrates the price for being obese. Overweight people are being criticized all the time by many people. Moreover, they are now a mockery since people just make fun of them for their amusement. The movie Shallow Hal also shows how if we change our general idea of outer beauty of a person, we could benefit from it. Obesity has been a serious dilemma for the people in America. The society seems to not change their perception about obese people. In addition, people who are usually afraid to say any kind of …show more content…

Moreover, no matter how much fat people try to lose weight, media and judgmental people will always be there to make obese people look worthless. On top of that, their strict exercise regimen does not seem to pay off because everything would match but weight. At one point, obese people give up and just accept the reality that they are obese and are allowed to be mocked.

“Things are less confusing now that I know the non-fats are superior to me, regardless of their personal habits, health, personalities, cholesterol levels or the time they log on the couch.”, stated by Jennifer Coleman in the passage Discrimination at large which shows that obese people seem to have a lack of self-esteem. I do not blame them for having a lack of confidence in themselves. They feel valueless because of …show more content…

However, one day Tony Robbins, understanding Hal’s situation, hypnotizes him into seeing people’s inner beauty and not their external selves. And after that incident, he fell in love with Rosemary, woman who appears to him to look beautiful due to her kind, generous nature, but is, in actuality, morbidly obese. This proved people should not be judged by their looks because every person is unique and everyone possesses special qualities. Furthermore, obese people aren’t always happy and they remain melancholic to feel normal and this can also be related to what Jennifer A. Coleman said in her article Discrimination at Large “Fat people aren’t jolly. Sometimes we act that way so you will leave us alone.” Everyone can be changed through consistency so there is no point in mocking a fat person. A strict regimen of exercise can change the shape of a person and he can become the next model. However, Americans think fat people will always remain fat despite their hard work. Neil Steinberg stated in the article O.K., So I’m Fat “Others assume that thinness is forever beyond my grasp.” Maybe, it will be hard for the obese people to get into the right shape but with time he/she can get the body he

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