Compare And Contrast Democrats And Republicans

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As of today we have two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Two of which that have different views of the political system. Both are important because they keep an open mind for the public and for the United States. They each focus on views that are crucial to the system that can help benefit us as a whole. Just like with all groups, there are always opinions and ideas among each group that serve as a good proposition to the people, this is what keeps America free. What is the difference between the two main groups? Well it is simple, they both have the same base interest; they just go about the plan differently. The Democrats and Republicans both want what is best for the United States with the people in mind.
Some of the topics the parties focus on are things like; national defense, healthcare, energy, education, and the economy. The Democrat 's approach on national defense is that they want to make sure our military is well equipped with intelligence, training, and support. Democrats want to secure our country 's borders and keep terrorism out. For healthcare they believe in healthcare for all americans.They want equality when it comes to medical needs, with taxes we can all receive healthcare for less. Energy is a necessity now a days without it there would be no technology, cars, or power. Democrats view on energy is to try to use more of America’s natural resources. That means more domestic oil, solar, wind, gas, and biofuels. Reducing our intake and being more fuel efficient so we can save money and stop foreign drilling. The Democrats believe that for education no child should be left behind. They want everyone to have a chance to get an education. They want to use funding and taxes to help pay for college, and have programs for kids to succeed. The economy is always changing, Democrats want jobs for everyone. Getting people work by ending tax loopholes for corporations and tax cuts for small business. Republicans have their approach as well, on national defense they believe that our troops should be well equipped and ready for any
Yes, I believe that people should be treated equal, but to be successful means struggle and hard work. Democrats want everyone to be equal and rely on the government to fix their money issues. You do not learn something when someone does the work for you. Thats like trying to ride a bike but your parent wont let go. Eventually you will get use to them there and rely on them not knowing how to ride a bike yourself. On the other hand the parent can let go, you might crash, but only with a few scratches then you’re right back up. Quickly learning the rules and now know how to survive the fall. When I read that Democrats want to have these programs for students to go to school by using tax money, it bothered me. As a student myself, I believe it is very important and everyone should get an education, but just because you do not make a lot of money does not mean you need use the money provided by the government. I believe it is okay to have taxes to build schools and fund education, but I say focus more on the teachers that teach the students make sure we get the knowledge we need for the future. Teacher should be put to higher standards, they are the ones shaping our lives and teaching us the rules of the world. We need a society that is hard working, reliable, and disciplined. Republicans want to help people get jobs, not by giving it to them, by allowing business to have

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