Persuasive Speech On Diets

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Face it, we have all heard the phrase,"You are what you eat" countless times in your life, but what does that truly mean. Every few months or years, millions go into trying new diets and diet pills but fail to understand why they cannot continue to eat healthy after their first few days on their new diet. Well, 1) the word "DIE" is in diet 2) no matter where you look you 're going to find delicious food ads and junk food and 3) you don 't have support. Diets should be seen as a lifestyle and not just a diet. When you make something a lifestyle you don 't think twice about it, therefore it won 't die out. When you call it a diet, you are allowing for cheat days and long breaks but by making it a lifestyle you allow yourself the strength …show more content…

Millions of dollars go into marketing every year because it 's an effective tool to make you think you need a product, whether it 's good for you or not. We all know that that juicy and delicious burger with tomatoes and lettuce and whatever else on it, that 's advertised on tv, DON 'T REALLY LOOK LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE. So why do you go out and buy it anyways? It tastes good, it 's inexpensive or simply because you 're hungry and don 't feel like cooking. You know it 's not good for you, but you rather sacrifice your thighs, your skin, your butt, and your health for some good ol ' grease, fat, and salt. People rather spend money and time on things that are going to benefit them for 5 mins or 10 mins instead of a lifetime. I know what it 's like to only have $3 in your pocket when you 're hungry but what I 've come to realize is that fast food truly costs more than healthy food. I don 't know about you but I love to eat, so when I 'm trying to find options, I see what can get me more for my money. Fast food gets me a burger from the dollar menu, small fries and if I can find some loose change somewhere then maybe I 'll get a small drink or just settle for my bottle of water that 's in the car. That 's around $3 or so. Now let 's analyze: that burger and fries, let 's be honest, is not going to fill you up for a long period of time. Now let 's look at some healthier alternatives. You can make yourself a meal at home for free, you …show more content…

Living in a household where not everyone eats the same is hard. I know because I live in one. I no longer eat meat or processed foods but the rest of my family still does. Therefore, I see processed foods all in the kitchen cabinets and meat in the fridge and freezer. Is it hard to not give in and eat the junk when my family does the grocery and don 't buy me anything that I can eat? Yeah, it is but I can 't blame them. It 's not on their minds to buy more fruits and vegetables or no processed foods or no meat because they don 't eat that way. Therefore, I do my own food shopping and cook my own meals. I also follow people on social media who eat the way I eat and just keep in mind the reasons for why I eat the way I eat. Sometimes you have to create your own support system in order to stay strong. Over time, your body learns to reject it to the point where you get disgusted by the smell and sight of it, so don 't give up. Take each day one step at a time, plan your meals in advance, and socialize with people who eat the way you want to eat. Last, but not least, keep a positive attitude when it comes to changing eating habits because the change does not happen overnight. Instead, it 's a continuous process that may even change again over

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