The Importance Of Information Sharin Communication

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My selected entity would be a cellphone in most terrorist attacks a cellphone is used because it is the easiest to reboot. Also, a cellphone is easy to dispose of. Also, when buying a certain brand of a cellphone it makes it hard to trace. At times a disposable cellphone can be untraceable. When using a cellphone, it is often used in these events to set the explosive devices off. A cellphone is able to cover a far distance without actually being in an area,so an attack can be carried out even with the terrorist being 20 miles away. There are many ways to gather information on a certain subject. For example, you could use a cellphone, a computer, a radar, a camera, and any other technologies. These all would gather different types of information that could be very useful. If you wanted to spy and find out enemy tactics you could place a camera somewhere and connect it to a computer, you could also use a computer to collect information. You could go through files and get certain information you need. You could also look up past things that happened and see if that information can benefit you. Information sharing is a one to one exchange of data between the sender and the receiver. The goal of information …show more content…

They have a Fusion center where they share information. The Fusion center was created by the U.S Department of Homeland Security and the office of Justice programs. They use detection tools too, which are like multimedia cameras, and voltage director. They also use surveillance capabilities which is like a way to watch what people are doing and if necessary tap into people’s computers and phones. These are all a part of a information sharing environment which are agencies that share information and are responsible for

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