What Is Depression?

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Depression is a serious issue for some teens. It can be caused by a number of things, like trauma. If a child is going through or has went through some really bad times in his or her life, the trauma can cause depression. Genetic Inheritance is when depression, and sometimes suicide run in the family. Depression is an obstacle that most teens and even adult have to overcome in their lives. Although depression can be defeated, it takes a lot of help and you have to keep telling yourself that everything will be okay even when it feels like your world is falling into pieces right before your eyes. If you have depression, it’s good to know that there are different types. Psychotic and Persistent Depression Disorder are a few types of depression.
Depression can get very bad if it goes untreated. After a while of feeling so hopeless, suicide and addictions will slowly start to become the main things the demons in your head scream; like drugs and cutting. There are ways of getting help, hospitals and going to a therapist everyday can help so much. Even keeping a diary, everyday write down everything inside that is making you sad, or even happy things. When I had depression I turned to addiction, but I started writing more, drawing, and listening to music. Music helps a lot with depression because there are many types and to me, music is more than just “some song”. Music is an escape from depression and helps to block out the world when you feel as if you’re drowning in it. You’d be surprised, half of America suffers from depression and about 15% of them are teens. Depression is like standing in small, dark hallway. When suddenly a scary black shadow starts to chase you and you’re running so fast but it feels as if you aren’t getting anywhere. It feels like the more you run, the harder it get to run. You fall and the monster swallows you in its darkness, its pain consuming you. Depression is the monster. Imagine having that on
It all started in the 8th grade, which is where I was bullied everyday until the today where I’m still bullied. It wasn’t just at school so I basically had no escape from it. The bullying went on for a few years and it eventually brought me into a deep depression and In a very dark place. I turned to anything I could to just make the pain go away until the day i became addicted and from there on it was always long sleeves I would wear. No one noticed that I had depression and as some would say “suicidal”, but I didn’t want them to know because they wouldn’t understand. I didn’t want to die, I just wanted the hell to go away, but they never understood that. Doctors can sometimes be very heartless. But, then again I was too because I wasn’t myself. Depression does that, turns you into a monster. my dad didn’t care, he was the main reason I wanted to just disappear. He never cared and still doesn’t so, I’ve realized that I am nothing to him so that’s it. But now, everything is somewhat okay. I just try to face the fight within one day at a time and it seems to be going okay. Sometimes, I get the urge to cut but I tell myself that I don’t need it. But, sometimes I just want someone to hug me, and tell me that everything is going to be okay. No one does and it gets to me. I’ve learned that no one will be there like I am for myself because no one wants to. I understand though, who would? If you have depression or

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