The Causes Of The Progressive Movement In The 19th Century

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There was much rapid growth experienced in the United States from the 1890s to the 1920s. Due to the immigrants from the Southern and Eastern of Europe. The urban centers at the time became densely populated. Politicians controlled these cities through different political machinery. Companies that acted as monopolies thus controlling the economic direction of the nation significantly also characterized this period. The state of affairs created the emergence of concern among Americans. This group of people believed in the need for change in the society to safeguard the interests of the majority. This awakening led to the emergence of reformists in various such as social work, journalism, education and even in politics. This period was called the progressive era. This term applied to various reactions to the social and economic problems which arose from rapid industrialization and urbanization introduced to the United States during the 19th century. Progressivism started as a social movement to address needs and evolved into a greater political action and reform association. The early theorists rejected Social Darwinism. These people had a belief that the problems facing Americans such as greed, violence, class welfare and …show more content…

On 5th July 1917, approximately 700000 blacks were enrolled for the duty and by the end of 1920 close to 2.3 million was enrolled. In less than three years, an estimated four million draftees were admitted to the U. S military and of this group 367000 were from the African American community. However, they were restricted from the Army Air and Marine Corps, but in the Navy, they were assigned physical tasks. They had to struggle to form a black officer-training program. Following the effects of immigration, an Act was established in 1924 to reduce amounts of people moving into the

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