Characteristics Of Liberal Arts Education

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Most schools nowadays are more concentrated on memorizing all the facts and passing tests rather than actually learning something new and developing students’ minds. Liberal arts schools are different because they emphasis the growth of knowledge, not just for a test that determines whether “you are smart” or “you are dumb”. This is a very important asset for anthropologists, both experts and beginners, who want to study other cultures. A liberal arts education can provide a great basis for learning about other cultures because it can helps anthropologists think critically about the new community they are about to encounter for the first time.
If you study cultures under liberal arts, you can often find yourself broadening your horizons …show more content…

Liberal arts is about always learning different things and maybe even trying to fit the new knowledge into our own lives, either just as fun facts to know or as something that can change our lifestyles for the better. For the anthropologist this is very crucial to their research. They need to be able to understand the customs of the society that is under their examination and then fit in to these cultures so that they blend in and can then further understand the new knowledge about the community they have just become a part of. Once a part of that community, they then have the ability to investigate deeper than before and possibly find something no outsider to the society has ever seen before, whether it be background knowledge or new methods for doing simply rudimentary tasks, that not even the original explorers like Columbus could ever discover. Anthropologist can then decide if they want to keep this way of life they have learned as their own or leave it behind when they go back home. Either way, fitting in while they are they is extremely essential.
A liberal arts education is not often chosen in first world countries. Most people avoid the free thinking involved with this way of learning because it ends up being too much work for them to handle or they will just refuse to even try. Anthropologists are obviously not those people because without this way of thinking and going about tasks, they could not do a thorough job and without them, we would know nothing about our neighbors around the world. A liberal arts education does truly aide in thinking critically about all the cultures anthropologists

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