Exploring the Right to Die with Dignity

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Everyone has a Right to Die
In the medical dictionary, death with dignity is defined as “the philosophical concept that a terminally ill client should be allowed to die naturally and comfortably, rather than experience a comatose, vegetative life prolonged by mechanical support systems” (Elsevier). Then we must ask ourselves; why is this death with dignity such a philosophical idea? Why must a person’s right to their own life be haltered and prohibited by the law?
In most cases, the right of a dignified death with the help of a physician is prohibited due to religious beliefs and ideologies that are used as an opposition. Even with heated debates on the ethics of the Death With Dignity Act (DWDA), only three states (Oregon, Washington, and Vermont) have legalized this right, the right to have a patients last moments theirs to decide.
One prime example of a case in which death with dignity started with a terminally ill patient named Brittany Maynard. In 2014, Maynard, a 29-year-old teacher from Alamo, California, was diagnosed with severe terminal brain cancer. Knowing there was nothing but pain and suffering lying ahead, Maynard looked at her options and decided to move with her family to Portland, Oregon, where death with dignity was available.
Brittany Maynard wasn’t about to make a choice without giving up the fight. Before her decision to end her life she sought out Compassion & Choices, a DWDA support and advocacy support group, and with their help Maynard began to leave her mark on the world.
In her advocacy campaign, Maynard made YouTube videos that reached 13 million views in a matter of days. Saying in her videos, “I decided to share my story, and that wasn’t an easy choice to make but I decided to share it because...

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... pain and suffering, then we as the people of Ohio and the United States must remember duress patients like Brittany Maynard and what thousands of others go through.
We must never forget the legacies and the history of those who showed the world that everyone deserves the right to choose their own paths, to so what they know is right, and the choice to make their own decisions. If our country is ruled on the principals of freedom, then these freedoms should include the freedom of physicians to end the suffering of their patients, and patients who have terminal illnesses to seek a comfortable death surrounded by those they love.
Always remember that the Death With Dignity Act is a choice to end suffer, never a forced death, and as Thomas Jefferson once said- Everyone has “certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

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