Darwinism Essay

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Darwinism is a scientific explanation originated by Charles Darwin, which uses evolution to explain diversity on earth (Lennox). In its simplest explanation, Darwinism can be understood to be survival of the fittest. The concept behind this is that the fittest of a species will survive, often due to evolutionary advantages, leading to changes within a species to effectively adapt to the species’ environment. For example, a bird with a long bill is able to reach nectar in a flower. Due to this ability, the birds with the longest bills will survive, while those with shorter bills will not survive. Since the birds with the longer bills survive, they breed with other birds with long bills, leading to the bird’s adaptation to needing a longer bill …show more content…

In its simplest explanation, Darwinism can be understood to be survival of the fittest. The concept behind this is that the fittest of a species will survive, often due to evolutionary advantages, leading to changes within a species to effectively adapt to the species’ environment. For example, a bird with a long bill is able to reach nectar in a flower. Due to this ability, the birds with the longest bills will survive, while those with shorter bills will not survive. Since the birds with the longer bills survive, they breed with other birds with long bills, leading to the bird’s adaptation to needing a longer bill in order to survive. Social Darwinism is the application of Darwin’s teachings outside of science, such as in biology, philosophy, religion, and politics, among other fields. While this connection may not seem to be applicable, the concepts of Darwinism can be found in many areas of society. As a result, social Darwinism has had a significant impact on the development of Western civilization simply because the concepts of Darwinism can be applied to society in the ways they can …show more content…

If individuals see that choosing morality is beneficial and brings happiness, they will make that choice, which then leads to that individual or group continuing on in society rather than “dying out,” as others would. In addition, individuals can see that choosing moral or ethical actions not only improves them as individuals, but can improve society. For example, when an individual makes the ethical choice to participate in social justice, the community as a whole experiences justice, making the individual feel better and helping improve the society. Therefore, not only can ethics be tied to evolution in how ethics developed within humanity, but choosing to be ethical or unethical provides an evolutionary advantage for those individuals within society. As a result, the moral and ethical decisions made by individuals, which can be explained through social Darwinism, have helped to shape society, its basic morality, and what is expected of individuals in various societies all over the world. Finally, the impact of social Darwinism can be found in politics. More specifically, it can be seen in the way politics impact countries, their relationships with other countries, and the outcomes of wars. Throughout history, tribes, peoples, and countries have invaded others, tried to take over

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