The Danger from Mosquitoes

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According to, mosquitoes are likely to be the most dangerous insects in the world. It has been reported that due to mosquitoes, there are over 300 million malaria cases worldwide annually. 1 million Africans alone die from malaria every year, most being children under the age of 5. Horrible diseases such as yellow fever can also be caught by humans and animals because of mosquitoes. Mosquito bites are hardly ever painful and because of this, people usually don’t fully understand how dangerous they are. It has been said that more humans have been killed by mosquitoes than all other insects combined. There are approximately 3500 various mosquito species. Considering how dangerous mosquitoes are, helping to prevent people from being bitten by them is a worthwhile project.

Studies were conducted at Duke University in Durham, United States that DEET, one of the most commonly commercially used insect repellents, can cause people to have behavioural changes, damage brain cells and when exposed to other medication, it can have harmful consequences. After conducting more research, it was found that when the skin is exposed to DEET, it absorbs up to 15 % into the bloodstream. There are numerous toxic effects of DEET, some being reproductive disturbances, genetic material mutations and central nervous system disorders. Even if people in rural areas could afford to buy DEET and had access to it, it could still harm them and is therefore not a solution to the malaria problem experienced in many rural areas.

There are, however, numerous natural, non-toxic alternatives to commercial repellents:
• Catnip: According to research conducted at Lowa State University, the essential oil found in Catnip is approximately 10 times more effective than DEET.
• Citronella: Citronella is commonly used in candles, creams, bangles etc. The essential oil found in the Citronella plant is much more effective than the plant itself. While Citronella is not as effective as catnip, it may be easier to access in rural areas.
• Garlic: Garlic has an incredibly strong effect on mosquitoes and is found in most places around South Africa, although it may be too expensive to be an option for people in rural areas.
• Lavender: Lavender is also an effective natural repellent and is also a good option as it smells nice, but it is not very easily accessible for people in rural areas.
• Neem seed oil: In a study conducted by the US National Research Council, it was concluded that neem seed oil is more effective than DEET.

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