The Importance Of Daughterhood In Shakespeare's The Tempest

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Cymbeline and The Tempest illustrate daughterhood as a daughter’s inability to break the boundaries of the relationship with the father. The impact on daughterhood arises from a father’s behaviour, which influences the daughter’s actions. Innogen in Cymbeline and Miranda in The Tempest seek to understand self-acceptance over their father’s lack of trust towards them. Therefore, a father’s lack of trust disrupts the daughter’s ability to find self-trust; Innogen and Miranda rebel as an act of self-control to find trust with themselves. They also realize their problems and self-worth. In other words, the daughters reflect on their problems to take control and protect themselves. Innogen and Miranda represent daughterhood as an emotional journey that reflect the impact of a father’s trust. In Cymbeline, Innogen struggles with self-acceptance because her father, Cymbeline, does not accept her as a person. Innogen’s trust with her father is broken because Cymbeline does not approve of her actions, especially when she marries Posthumus. In contrast, Miranda in The Tempest, struggles to please her father, Prospero, because he trusts that she will obey. The difference between Innogen and Miranda illustrate the father’s …show more content…

Innogen and Miranda question their self-acceptance when they have little control over their life. Both women demonstrate the lack of trust with their actions because their father dictates their behaviour. Initially, Cymbeline and Prospero pin point the wrongdoings of their daughter’s choice in men; Innogen and Miranda, respectively rebel against their actions. In other words, Innogen reflects on her problems to build self-control. Similarly, Miranda develops self-control when she trusts herself to make the right choices without her father’s influence. Innogen and Miranda gain satisfaction when they trust themselves to take

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