Diversity In The Classroom Reflection Paper

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It has been a journey to understand the importance of culture in the classroom and how diversity in the classroom prompts higher education. As a future educator, it is important to be culturally aware and create a curriculum that tailors to the many different backgrounds of my students such as class, race, and ableism. As my final paper, I will reflect on my pervious beliefs and thoughts.
Living in the United States of America lives of every culture is exposed to the American culture of fast food, football, and brash freedom of speech. Although, America is hugely influenced by these hyphenated identities, oftentimes people are stereotypical of the different cultures they encounter, which creates false labeling of a group of people. My cultural …show more content…

Race is a complex issues that impacts our lives in the early stages of preschool. Oftentimes, we receives secondhand information about different racial groups that are based on stereotypes or assumptions. These preconceived assumption or judgments are the work of prejudices. We all have prejudices, prejudices are the residue or aftermath of a racist society; moreover, we are too lazy as a society to challenge misinformation and confront the residue that stains America. Lastly, the systematic advantages white people have over people of color and the ongoing message of white being superior. In class, I grew tired listening to my classmate talk about how culturally aware/sensitive they are to racial issues but in the same breathe be so confused of their role in the regression of minorities and their white privilege. The connection of race and class is highlighted in the statics of Black male/women have a 1 in 4 chance of being poor in America then white male/female, who have a 1 in 10 chance (pg. 156), or black women earning 13 cents less than white women. As a black women I feel too busy trying to catch up to my white counterpart. Class plays a significant role in educational standing, life expectancy, and opportunity, which are the bridging gap between white and people of color. “Rather, wealth inequality has been structured over many generations through the same systemic …show more content…

Although I spend ninety-five percent of volunteer hours helping teachers get organized or rearranging books in the library, the one hour I was able to be in a 1st grade classroom was worth every staple I did in the office. Previously, I was fearful of the children not responding well to me or being unable to assist the students in the appropriate way to fit their learning style. Moreover, I assumes the school would be mainly white because of the location of the school and I wanted to experience more than what already surrounds me. To my surprise the school was very diverse, the school has 33% blacks, white, and Hispanics, as explain by a teacher I shadow. It was satisfying seeing the students amongst each other, especially during the talent show. I did not know what it was called then but Mrs. Morhaus was practicing the MC curriculum of learning materials by reading a book about a black little girl doing the right thing. Also, in the library the librarian would have each student stand in front of their class and talk about the book they read, who was the author, and their overall thoughts on the stories. I thought this activity was very inclusive and provided a safe platform for every student to speak and share. Lastly, Mrs. Morhaus let me tutor two of her students on a writing assignment, I did my best

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