Examples Of Cultural Diversity

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What is Cultural Diversity? Cultural Diversity is when different cultures, race, religion, nationally, language, and sexually are represented within the community. People consider communities that include different groups diverse. Diversity makes are country richer some may say, by bringing language skills, new ways of thinking, solution’s to some problems, and negotiating skills, people also say it makes are country stronger and more interesting place to live in. This paper will recognize the Trends in Cultural and Social Diversity in the Work Place. Cultural Diversity has become a huge issue in the workplace. How has it played a role in our work place some may ask? Cultural Diversity allows a business to draw from the best talent …show more content…

Social Diversity plays an important role in our community. It has helped us grow and individuals and open each other’s mind. When you become exposed to different ways to live, and see how other cultures carry on then you are no longer closed to the idea that we are all different in some way, and those differences can be meaningful in our lives. When it comes to diversity it also promotes more tolerance. In terms of being tolerant that means diversity can help us accept other cultures, and even adapt some of their ways into our society. The point is, we are all different. Yet the differences that we have between us can be used to strengthen society as we know it. Diversity allows us the opportunity to learn, grow, understand new ways of living, and experience life to the fullest. Without diversity, we are closed off in our own worlds. But with it, we expand our knowledge and we are no longer ignorant. When you are aware of the differences and embrace them, then you have taken the blind fold off to living differently and you are a better person for it. The key is exposure and using what you learned to increase more tolerance and …show more content…

The long-term success of any business calls for a diverse body of talent that can bring fresh ideas, perspectives and views and a corporate mindset that values those views. It 's also no secret that the lack of diversity can affect your ability to communicate effectively with diverse clients. Link your diversity strategies to specific goals like morale, retention, performance and the bottom line. Build your business with everything you 've got, with the complex multi-dimensional talents and personalities of your workforce, and make diversity work for you. Valuing diversity recognizes differences between people and acknowledges that these differences are a valued asset. Multicultural education is an important component of valuing diversity. It respects diversity while teaching all children and youth to become effective and participating members of a democracy. It respects individuality while promoting respect for others. In our Society nowadays, diversity is playing a major role, and people every day are adapting to it. A lot of people have already adapted to all the change, and have accepted it into their everyday

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