Reflection Essay

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Going into English 1301, I expected the class to be difficult but also a substantial learning experience. Not only have I found connections within each of the essays I have written, but additionally have become more engaged in critical thinking and collaborative work. Within the syllabus, we were given concepts that we ,as students, needed to meet by the end of the course. I have met the student learning outcomes throughout this course as shown through all three essays. The first student outcome stated that “Students will be able to use rhetorical terminology to describe writing.” For example, for our first essay we were assigned, we had to analyze an argumentative essay and discuss the rhetorical strategies the author used to convince their …show more content…

Also, we read a chapter out of our textbook that discussed how important it is to understand the severity of plagiarism. To show that I understand plagiarism, in my third essay I stated, “To add, according to an article discussing the placing of a child into a racially different home, the author states, ‘Silverman and Feigelman report that maladjustment in transracially adopted children is due primarily to their age at placement rather than racial differences’ (Forde-Mazrui).” (Adopting). I used an internal citation to give credit to the author of the article .I have understood and accomplished the importance of avoiding plagiarism and will continue to give credit to all of my sources in my …show more content…

The next student outcome in the syllabus states, “Students will be able to interpret texts written for academic audiences.” I was successfully able to read and fully understand the texts I read and answer questions based on my comprehension and interpretation of what the author(s) was trying to portray. Not only did we interpret texts out of a textbook, but we had to analyze articles we found off databases or websites to include in our writing. In all three of our essays we included quotes or information we located in those other sources that we had dissected in order to add more depth to each of our pieces of writing. Interpreting texts is something I have grew stronger in and will continue to use the techniques I have learned in my future high school and college

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