Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World by Tony Wagner

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In today's society, we are constantly improving the way we do things. The continual need to be creative and improve everyday processes is becoming a necessity. Companies are becoming more innovative, and the advancements in technology continue to go beyond our imagination. Because of the shift in thinking, it is more important than ever to teach our children to become innovators. Tony Wagner in his book “Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World” seeks to identify the key components in fostering innovation and molding young minds.
Throughout the book, Tony Wagner interviews various young innovators along with, their parents, teachers, and mentors to identify key aspects in their life that contributed to their creative thinking. The main questions that Wagner seeks to answer are “…how you educate young people to become innovators. What are the capacities that matter most for the innovation, and how are they best taught?” Through these interviews he finds similarities amongst the innovators, that bring him closer to answering his questions.
So what is innovation? Wagner narrows down the definition of innovation into two meanings “the process of having original ideas and insights that have value, and then implementing them so that they are accepted and used by significant numbers of people” and “creative problem solving” (Wagner, 2012, p.7-8). Innovation is not solely creating new devices or technology, but can also be the way a process is handled. As Wagner continues to dissect the meaning of innovation, he separates innovation into incremental innovation and disruptive innovation. Incremental innovation is when existing products, processes or services are improved; while, disruptive ...

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...ok to graduate students who are interested in the topic of innovation, and teachers who are interested in different types of ways to promote innovation amongst students. Other individuals that I would recommend this book to are new parents who might be interested in techniques to raise their children to become creative thinkers. Ultimately, growing innovators is a topic that needs to be addressed and further pursued.

Works Cited

Duffy, T. M., & Jonassen, D. H. (Eds.). (1992). Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversation. Psychology Press.
Hein, G. (1991, October). Constructivist learning theory. In The Museum and the Needs of People. CECA (International Committee of Museum Educators) Conference Jerusalem Israel (pp. 15-22).
Wagner, T. (2012). Creating innovators: The making of young people who will change the world. SimonandSchuster. com.

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