The County of Hungry

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Let’s imagine a place that’s warm and humid in the summer and cold and rainy in the winter, a place where the rolling hills dominate most of the country side and the high peaks of the beautiful Mt Kekes towers towards the heavens like a grand monument. It’s a country filled with winding rivers that cut swift paths through the country side and the great Balaton Lake whose watery shores draw people in like the depths of a beautiful girls eyes. This grand place is the great country of hungry (my family’s native country) where many people and cultures have called their home and live in the different areas including places like the grand city of Budapest with the hustle and bustle of city life, to the rural country side filled with crops and other agricultural desires. In this paper I will describe the beautiful geography of this grand country and put a visual into the mind’s eye of traveling 1000 of miles without having to even leave your seat. To start this journey to the grand land we will first look at the beautiful captivating waters that have drawn people to their shores for decades. To start we will look at the river that cuts through the grand city and capital Budapest, this river is the second longest river in the world this river cuts a 1,770 mile path through Europe and goes through the countries of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine and meets its unsettling demise in the black sea. There are also several other rivers that flow through the country including but not limited to The Tisza, the Zagyva, and the Raba. The land also holds the Balaton Lake which is roughly 77 km in length and 3-4 m in the depth with the deepest spot reaching about 11m. This lake is one of the top summer resorts in the country with over 200 car loads of people who travel there every year to views its beautiful reflections. The land also holds more than just lakes and rivers. It is also home to the grand mountain Kekes which is part of the regions central highland belt formed from the intense volcanic heat of lava. This mountain is roughly 3327 ft tall and is the highest point in the mountain range. This wonderfully beautiful country is bordered by 7 different country’s which are Austria 366 km, Croatia 329 km, Romania 443 km, Serbia 166 km, Slovakia 676 km, Slovenia 102 km, Ukraine 103 km and as it happens hungry is as land locked as Colorado with no borders having touching any other large seas or oceans.

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