The "Corrupt Bargain"

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The "Corrupt Bargain" 1824

• As the "Era of Good Feelings" under James Monroe came to an end in 1824, the old congressional caucus system or choosing presidential candidates had broken down. Four candidates towered above the others: John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts, Henry Clay of Kentucky, William H. Crawford of Georgia, and Andrew Jackson of Tennessee. All four rivals professed to be "Republicans."

• Jackson won the greatest number of popular votes, but because the vote was split four ways, he lack a majority in the Electoral College. The House of Representatives had to choose from the top three. Clay was thus eliminated. Yet as Speaker of the house, he presided over the very chamber that had to pick the winner.

• Clay used his influence in the House to get Adams elected an in turn, Adams made Clay his Secretary of State.

• Masses of angry Jacksonians raised a roar of protest against this "corrupt bargain." The clamor continued for the four years of Adams' Presidency.

A Yankee Misfit in the White House

• Adam's entered his presidency with a brilliant record in statecraft, especially in foreign policy, however while he is ranked as one of the most successful secretaries of state, he became one of the least successful presidents.

• Adams was further alienated when he asked Congress for additional money for internal improvements, aid to manufacturing, and even a national university and astrological observatory.

• In 1828, Adams was able to piece together a new tariff law that generally satisfied northern manufacturers but alienated southern planters, who denounced it as a "tariff of abominations."

Going "Whole Hog" for Jackson in 1828

• Jackson's followers presented their hero as a roughhewn frontiersman and a stalwart champion of the common man. They denounced Adams as a corrupt aristocrat and argued that the will of the people had been thwarted.

• Jackson also smeared the president, accusing Adams' wife of being born out of wedlock. Adams's camp responded in kind, accusing Jackson's wife of adultery.

• Jackson wins a landslide victory in 1828, with an electoral count of 178 to 83. He won with a reputation of a war hero and a man of western frontiers.

The Spoils System

• Under Jackson the spoils system¬¬¬-that is, rewarding political supporters with public office-was introduced into the federal government on a large scale.

• Scandal inevitably accompanied the new system. Men who had openly bought their posts by campaign contributions were appointed to high office. Often times illiterate incompetents, and plain crooks were given position of public trust.

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