Coronary Heart Disease

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In the latest research, a study was based on the “dietary factors that were associated with Coronary Heart Disease risk factors.”
Investigators hypothesized that healthy diet and exercise are absolutely connected with the risk factors of CHD. College students between the ages of 18 through 24 are usually recognized as really healthy students but in fact collegians are unaware of the risk factors of CAD. Being overweight, this is a very common risk factor, hypertension, high levels of triglycerides, and low cholesterol. Most collegians sometimes extend beyond their calorie intake, saturated fats, and sodium consumption. They lack grains and fibers, which decreases the risk of attaining Coronary Heart Disease. It is said that people between the ages of 19 through 64 had indicated and agreed that exercising as well as eating appropriately are vital parts to remember when dieting. According to the researchers in the journal,
“more than 60% of college students do not engage in moderate physical activity.” Most college students have poor knowledge of what it means to be healthy and they s...

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