New Zealand Nursing Case Study

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Due to the diverse nature of nursing there are many instances where suffering is caused by perspective or choices. Nursing ethics provide pathways for nurses to be able to cultivate these perspectives and choices in a manner that results in wellbeing and beneficence, even in the face of suffering (JANIE BUTTS). For the purpose of this essay, I will briefly describe some of the core aspects of nursing ethics in New Zealand. This will include an overview of the New Zealand Nursing Code of Conduct and The Child, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989. I will demonstrate the relationship between these two to then apply that to two pieces of literature that exemplify the principles described.

Vulnerability and fragility are often experienced …show more content…

In regards to the process of making informed decisions, children do not necessarily have a fully developed sense of self that an autonomous person holds or sufficient experience to make wise choices. Therefore, (JUDITH) explains, “…they [children] do not have a will of their own but must rely on others to make decisions for them.” (PAGE 37). Although the period of childhood does see rapid cognitive and psychosocial progression, that development is also relative to environmental and cultural settings of the child (REFERNCE FOUNDATIONS). The Child, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 is a legal legislation in New Zealand that provides guidelines and laws in regards to “…children and young persons who are in need of care or protection or who offend against the law.” (ACT SECTION 1AA). The Child, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 seeks advancement for the well being of children and young persons within their family; provides assistance to families to care for their children and young persons; implements procedures relative to providing for children and young persons in need of protection or care and assists in resolving offences committed by children and young persons (REFERENCE ACT). This act can be seen in action in the nursing profession …show more content…

The interpretation of the Child, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 using the Code of Conduct assists in maximising the quality of care for patients who are deemed underage by the law. Under section one hundred and forty four in the act, it states that no agreement shall be confirmed without the consent of the child or young person where practical and applicable (ACT). This applies directly to nursing care under Principle three of the Nursing Code of Conduct. For example, under standard 3.2 it states that in nursing practice the health consumer has a right to have their choices respected when it comes to decisions regarding their care (COC). This is applicable when it comes to making decisions for a minor. Although the physician prescribes the decision-making capacity of a patient, as a nurse it is crucial to integrate the patient’s wishes as thoroughly as possible (PRAC DESION H CARE ETHICS). This view is reiterated in standard 3.5 of the Code of Conduct, where it expresses that in circumstances where the health consumer is not competent to be actively involved in their health care decisions, that the nurse take comprehensive measures to provide care that is in the best interest of the health consumer while also aiming to individualize the care to the patients specific needs

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