Contrast Between Catholic and Baptist Religion

702 Words2 Pages

Ask most people today if they have heard of Baptist and Catholic religion and most would say yes. In many ways the two are very similar. For instance, both are based on the Christian faith, belief in the trinity, and that God is the one true God. The two religions agree that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to atone for our sins. They share a 27 book New Testament and insist that salvation comes from Christ alone. On the other hand, while the Baptist and Catholic religions do have similarities, they also have differences, such as their services, communion, and views regarding salvation. The first difference between the two religions is their services. Roman Catholic services are held in sanctuaries that are richly decorated with artwork, crosses, statues, candles, incense, and kneeling benches. The elaborate decorations in the sanctuaries have a lot to do with the Catholic practice of worshiping icons. Catholic members also offer their prayers to Mary and the saints as well as to God during service. The services are very ordered and laid out with much member participatio...

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