Consumer Mobile Technology Revolutionizing Communication Between Consumers and Retailers

864 Words2 Pages

Consumer mobile, the latest trend, stands in the retail industry as powerhouse technology that can shift the current landscape. Although online commerce proved its potential with direct business to consumer digital channel, it served as only the beginning of integrating technology into retail. Retail stores sales were barely affected by online businesses in that online business conduct could only provide convenience. Companies are looking for technology that will galvanize their businesses and change the customer experience and in fact, consumer mobile technology provides such potential for those companies.


Consumer mobile technology is revolutionizing the options for how retailers can engage with consumers. It brings the physical product and the virtual space by means that the cross-channel marketing plan cannot and its costs to experiment for retailers is small. RSR Research reports that chief information officers have claimed that entering the mobile consumer space only costs around $15-30,000 for an app (RSR). Retail companies can invest in customer experience technology, which is the ideal timing for consumer mobile technology. For those who have already adopted mobile technologies into retail, mobile techonlogies have already impacted their volume of sales, accounting for a total of 58% of retailers who have reported that the mobile channel has captured a percentage of their sales (Figure 1).

Figure 1:

Consumers themselves have called out to use mobile technology through their shopping habits. Early adopters of mobile technology in retail have responded and captured that demand. Those who lag behind this adoption have forgotten the range and power of modern day consumer choices. The traditional busi...

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...o want to implement the role of Chief Customer Experience officer should have realistic expectations for what he can and should manage, and ensure that he understands management in the retail store, and in online and mobile platforms.

4. Begin in-store wireless initiatives.

Consumers with mobile devices provide retailers new creative opportunities to interact with customers inside stores. As new mobile media content emerges, retailers must implement the infrastructure for customer mobile engagement.

5. Deploy services across multiple mobile platforms.

Retail Winners have spoken: no mobile platform should be left behind. From its inception point, any mobile offering must be built with the flexibility to operate across multiple mobile platforms and devices in order to make best use of already-strained internal resources.


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