Similarities Between Aqedah And Genesis 22

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The Aqedah as narrated in Genesis serves as a prefigurement to the Passion of Jesus Christ. There are great typological similarities in these two narratives, but in the Gospel we find the reality of truth, Jesus, who is the completion and fulfillment of the type modeled by Abraham in the Aqedah. Genesis 22 opens with God calling out to Abraham. Abraham responds, “Here I am!” (Gen 22:1). According to Levenson’s analysis, Abraham is not simply telling God his location but he is conveying “readiness, attentiveness, and responsiveness” (Levenson 67). Similarly, in the Gospel of John, when Jesus responds, “I AM” to the men looking for him, he conveys readiness, attentiveness, and responsiveness (John 18:5). But in addition, Jesus’ reply also expresses his divinity. These words are seen before in God’s call and commission of Moses in Exodus. “I am who I am… This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you” (Ex 3:14). This is only the beginning of the many parallels these narratives seem to share. Fundamentally, however, Jesus’s passion clearly supersedes the near sacrifice of Isaac. In the Aqedah of Genesis and John’s passion narrative, …show more content…

Give glory to your son, so that your son may glorify you… so that he many give eternal life to all you gave him” (John 17:1-2). He continues, “I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth,” (John 17:19). Jesus’ prayer is to bring us into perfection with God, for us to know him, and understand his love for us. This is achieved through God’s loving sacrifice as evidenced in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life”. Opposite from the notion that we must sacrifice our first born sons for God, God sacrifices his son for us. This is made reality in the passion and suffering of

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