Family Interview Reflection

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Since the last journal, a lot school wise has happened. I discovered a likeness for family interviewing, conducted my standardized client interview, and learned a lot in different areas in this class. Family interviewing wasn’t an aspect of social work I put much thought in to. I have always focused on the child aspect of foster care, never the whole family. Now, I realize that that is in the job description but before it just never crossed my mind. I definitely never thought about couple’s therapy. After sitting with my sister and her fiancé, I realized how neat it actually was. Granted they are a part of a healthy relationship, but it was nice to see them bounce ideas off of one another and observing the love that they have for one another. …show more content…

It is one thing to talk or hear about abuse, and another to actually see it. My dad, when we were younger, didn’t have the slowest of tempers, still doesn’t, but back then he didn’t quite know how to control it. It was never that physical for me, mostly emotional with a side of physical, and it was never ever that extreme. So watching that brought back the fear and anger I experienced in those situations. I had to take myself out of the moment for a second whenever an abusive scene would come on. This taught me something about myself though. Not only am great at removing myself from a situation but I am really good at hiding my emotions when I feel they are inappropriate for the time. As I thought more and more about it I realized how I negative it is to not allow myself to feel. Somewhere along the line, someone said that it was not okay for me to show and express my feelings of sadness and anger, 2 sides of the same coin. A characteristic of mine that truly makes up who I am, is that of my emotions. My family always says that I have 3 hearts; they say that I feel things three times as much as an average person; they say that that is what makes me beautiful. But when I was younger, I expressed my temper much like my father did. I would hit my sisters and scream. In order to help with my temper, my mom would send me away and make me listen to music and I think that is where it started,

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