Comparison of the Hungarian and the American Education System

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Education has a very important place in the society. The education arms with the domestic education determine the final development of the adult personality. As Clay P. Bedford says, “You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. “ So, not only the teaching, the daily lesson is important, but also learning that instills curiosity in children for a lifetime.

The organization of the Hungarian educational system differs from the American. First, in Hungary the education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. Since the Hungarian social net is very strong the families may use the benefit of the free pre-school and kindergarten, but the latter ones not obligatory. Children stay at the elementary school until their age 14 – class 8. After that they elect grammar school or training college schools according to how they perform on the national examination and based on their year-end period results and their interest then. Further study in institutes of higher education is by competitive entry so that less than one fifth of all students go on to colleges and universities. ( see #1. supporting document )The possibility to get into the schools are based on threshold, changes every year. In the prestigious schools the oversubscription is more than threefold. School is serious business in Hungary, and the competition to qualify for free higher education starts when children are quite young. In the United States, there is nothing to prevent those who wish to learn. You can attend free elementary and middle schools or choose payable state-certified private schools. But the main point is that almost everybody may get into highe...

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...nts with special needs must have the opportunity to be with typically developing peers in the mainstream school. For example: recess, cafeteria, assemblies, hallways, regular classes, etc.’ This is an awesome initiation and a big helping hand to give them the opportunity for the independent life.

Hungary has many famous revolutionary discoveries and technical inventions are connected to Hungarian scholars', inventors' name like the ballpoint pen, 3,5" FDD, nuclear weapon, the carburetor, the safety match, the dynamo, the transformer, or the identification of the pathogen of the puerperal fever and the disease or the Rubik-cube. I believe the system and the required curriculum is perfect, but as a Hungarian mother living in America I’ve chosen the child friendly way to give knowledge to my child and I try to help her and teach her for the healthy competitive spirit

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