Comparison between London and Atlanta Based Airlines

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How would the two airlines (London-based and Atlanta-based) be more reactive to the requirements of the patrons while upholding equally operational efficiency and effectiveness?

Areas of concern

1. Environment. Clients have a higher standard on the London-based airline because of its past performance for an exceptional service. Similarly, clients also presume that the high cost incurred should be recompensed by superb provisions.

2. Information technology structure. Bearing in mind the facts provided in the case, McPherson made a few suppositions that the airline flying to London should have acknowledged him from their computer as a short timed- linking passenger, and that considering the premium price he paid for his plane ticket by a frequent flyer like himself; he should have been booked on a reasonably booked plane.

3. Strategic concerns of the London-based airline's weaknesses, strengths and competitive issues. The airline is struggling to meet the expectations of their customers, which is evident by flight delays and lack of communication amongst agents. Strengths of the London-based airline are that customers are very satisfied with the after flight which included special attention and advantages.

4. Globalization. The Atlanta-based airline is functioning with an extraordinary level of precision. Based on the case, "the aircraft was at the gate with admirable communication, the gate representative immediately switched out his London boarding ticket and London-to Frankfurt pass and efficiently got him onto the plane shortly before the plane door closed". This same accuracy displayed from the Atlanta- based airline may also be possible to the London-based airline. The London- based attendants are in need of more traini...

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3. Rapid response teams to cater to customers. The airlines specialized customer response team should be proactive and alert ready to assist and adjust circumstance in order to support customer’s current needs.

4. Best price/best service enacted. If an airline passenger is paying top dollar in order to receive specialized and tailored service, it needs to be available to them in order for the airline to maintain competitive advantage. .

If you should have any further question of concerns, please feel free to ask.


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