What Are The Similarities Between The Iroquois Creation Story And The Bible

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Proposing a Perspective: Comparing and Contrasting
The Creation of the World in the Iroquois Creation Story and The Bible. From the very beginning of time, every human that has existed on this earth has been explained a theory in which how the earth came to be. In North America, the creation of the universe falls mostly under two categories: the creation science theory and the scientific view theory. The creation science is where God created the universe during six consecutive days, and the scientific view is where the process of natural selection and evolution created the world. There are also stories like David Cusick’s version of “The Iroquois Creation Story”, a woman gave birth to a set of twins, a good and a bad son, and the twins created …show more content…

For example, in “The Iroquois Creation Story” myth there were two worlds that were in existence, the lower world which was in great darkness, and the upper world which was covered with life. In The Bible’s creation story, God created Heaven, which is full of light and life, and Satan, the angel that rebelled, was cast into the lower parts of the earth, Hell, which is full of torment. God created the earth in six consecutive days. God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light (The Bible). He created Heaven, he created earth, and he created the oceans on the second day. God created vegetation, fruits, and trees. And God saw that it was good, and there was evening and there was morning, the third day. On the fourth day, He created the seasons, the days, the years, the sun, the moon, and the stars (The Bible). On the fifth day, God created living creatures in the sky, in the waters, and on the ground. Then God said, “Let us make men in our image, after our likeness” (The Bible). In “The Iroquois Creation Story” myth, the good twin began the creations of the earth. He was determined to bring light into the dark world. He created the orb, the moon, the sun, the seasons, the years, the night, and the day, he also created the living creatures that lived on earth, in the skies, and in the waters (Cusick 24). He created two images of the dust by breathing into their nostrils, he gave them the living souls, just as God formed the man of dust from the ground, and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life into existence. The evil twin went behind the good son and destroyed all of his creation, just as the serpent went into the Garden of Eden and tricked the woman and man to eat from the tree, and after the land and animals were cursed. The twin brothers fought over who should rule the universe, and the good twin won, and the bad twin was sent to the lower

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