Feline Leukemia Essay

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Every day there are millions of cats around the world that contract a broad range of illnesses. When an owner’s feline companion becomes ill, it is good for them to recognize any clinical signs that may be present and know whether their cat had the potential to come into contact with an unknown animal if an interaction was not seen. Information like this will help the veterinarian to make a proper diagnosis and create a treatment plan for the animal. Some illnesses can be potentially fatal and can possibly be spread to other pets in the household, so it is important to make sure the cat receives medical attention when it starts to show signs of illness. One disease that any cat owner should be aware of is Feline leukemia (FeLV).
Feline leukemia …show more content…

About thirty percent of infected cats develop an active infection and show clinical signs of illness; thirty percent become transient and develop neutralizing antibodies which enables them to clear themselves of the virus within four to six weeks; the remainder of cats develop a latent infection where the virus can become hidden in the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, and small intestine. These cats will eventually develop symptoms of disease at a period in their life when they become stressed or when immunosuppressive drugs like glucocorticoids are administered. Feline leukemia is a misleading term in the fact that fewer than half of the cats infected with FeLV actually develop cancer. When they do, it is not the virus that is the cause of the cancer development, but it is because the virus causes immunosuppression and the cat’s own cancer-fighting mechanisms become weakened. Almost all cats that show active signs of infection do not usually live beyond two or three years after contracting the virus. (1, 2, 3, 5, …show more content…

Another drug that can be given is alpha-interferon, which helps to stimulate the immune system and can be given orally to cats without side effects to improve appetite, attitude, and some clinical signs. Cats that develop specific types of cancer associated with FeLV infection can receive chemotherapy, although these cats only have an average of six months to live even with aggressive chemotherapy treatments. To ensure the health of the infected cat, make sure to schedule routine wellness exams every 6 months and have them vaccinated for other feline diseases. Keep FeLV infected cats indoors to prevent secondary infections from infectious agents carried by other animals or living in the environment. Keeping them indoors will also prevent the spread of infection to other cats in the neighborhood. Spay or neuter FeLV cats to prevent them from passing the virus to their offspring. Make sure FeLV positive cats receive good nutrition and avoid feeding raw or undercooked food such as meat, eggs, and unpasteurized milk to avoid food bourne illnesses from bacterial or parasitic infection due to immunosuppression. Reduce stress, control parasites, and begin early and aggressive treatment of any signs of illness that appear for a better quality of life for the cat. Cats that test positive for

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