The Impact Of Climate Change

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Climate change has been a controversial topic in the last century. When the debate has been raised about the climate change it was not certain that it is going to be serious threat to our world. In this essay the concept of climate change will be defined and how did it change during the last century. In addition, the causes and impacts of climate change will be pointed out briefly to understand the issue. This essay will be focused more in introducing some measures, which have been taken place so far on global level for example the Kyoto Protocol and on local levels as the case in United Kingdom and China, and how accurate are these solutions. Also alternative measures and actions that can help stop the climate change are going to be discussed. …show more content…

There are a several factors which cause the climate change, and the greenhouse effect is the primary cause. It is when specific gasses on the earth atmosphere trap the energy and the heat from the sun to reach us. Yet when these certain gasses increase in the atmosphere, more heat and energy is trapped which cause global warming ibid. As a result, mountains glaciers and the ice are melting, animals start to move from their own places to an area which is cooler. It is needed that actions at all levels should be taken to stop or mitigate the climate change and global …show more content…

As a result, the parliament agreed to the climate change bill in 2008, which aims to emissions reductions (Giddens, 2008). One of the UK government targets is to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions by at least 60% by 2050 compared with 1990 level, and 26% to 30% by 2020 ibid. Furthermore, the government has an obligation with EU to achieve 15% of its energy including electricity, transport fuels and heating, to be from renewable sources by 2020

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