Essay On The Civil Rights Movement

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The Civil Rights movement
The justice for blacks was a tough thing to achieve in America. That did not stop the civil rights movement from happening to put an end to rapid segregation. The civil rights movement was created to end the rights that blacks received such as separate restrooms, buses, drinking fountains, and etc. The Brown vs. the board of education, Emmett Till murder, and Rosa Parks arrest all played a key role for the civil rights movement. I believe if it wasn’t for the Brown vs. the board education the civil rights movement would not have had such an establishment. I said that because it was the first thing that happened involving segregation, even though there were other incidents coming up before the movement. This was the first step on to making America a better place for African Americans.
Despite the other two incidents: The Emmett Till murder and Rosa Parks arrest. The Brown vs. board of education was also a key case for the civil rights movement. The case was stumped upon by Oliver Brown when his daughter was denied admission to go to an all-white school. This was the first step into making the movement start. It was only a matter of time before changes were to come about. This movement was just getting started.
This all started in the mid 1950’s when incidents like Rosa Parks arrest, Emmett Till’s death, and other harsh things occurred. The beginning of the Civil Rights Movement was basically a start around this time as African Americans finally opened their eyes. This quickly escalated to protests, organizations, and etc. Each step into making the civil rights movement was taken seriously with this movement. There was only a matter of time until the Brown vs. the board of education was introduced in t...

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...e store owners wife. This was going to be a big problem for Till after a couple days. There were no witnesses in the store, but Carolyn Bryant--the woman behind the counter--claimed that he grabbed her, made lewd advances, and then wolf-whistled at her as he sauntered out. Less than two weeks after Emmett's body was buried, Milam and Bryant went on trial in a segregated courthouse in Sumner, Mississippi. There were few witnesses besides Mose Wright, who positively identified the defendants as Emmett's killers. On September 23, the all-white jury deliberated for less than an hour before issuing a verdict of "not guilty," explaining that they believed the state had failed to prove the identity of the body. Many people around the country were outraged by the decision and also by the state's decision not to indict Milam and Bryant on the separate charge of kidnapping.

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