The Complex Story Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explains a single story as the complex stories of a place or people that are broken down and simplified into a single, simpler story. The single story takes away anything else that the people or place is and gives them one story to be addressed by. A single story is more or less grouping every person in a place under one life story. People lose their identity and life stories. She uses the categories of the single story of people shown in literature, the single story of her house boy, the single story of the people of Africa and Nigeria and the single story of the people of Mexico and immigrants. I think her comment about the relationship between power and the single story is true because powerful countries never seem to have a single story. They have so …show more content…

The single story is created because people do not try to go past the single story and find out what truly is happening. The human race can inherently be judgmental and so the single story is created. If people were to put their judgments aside and take the time to learn the stories of the people then the issue would be prevented. People and societies are so complex that it is morally wrong to say that there is a single story because once one says there is a single story then the stories of thousands of people are forgotten. This made me realize how much our society in the US really does create single stories for the smaller and less fortunate countries because that is all we see them as. This will definitely make me think more about if a single story is really true and dive deeper into stories to get the full story because the full story deserves to be told. Another insight gained is that everybody can fall victim to a single story because sometimes we only see one side of the story in the news and it can be hard to find the other

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