What´s Tourette Syndrome?

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Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder represented by unintentional tics and vocalizations. Simple and complex are words that are used to describe the two types of tics. Although the cause of Tourette syndrome has not yet been discovered, existing research believes it is caused from abnormalities in specific regions of the brain. These abnormalities make the nerves communicate with the brain improperly. Many people with Tourette syndrome undergo further neurobehavioral tribulations including lack of concentration; impulsivity and hyperactivity. In other words they can have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They can also obtain similar problems with reading, writing, and any kind of arithmetic. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms such as invasive thoughts and recurring behaviors may occur within themselves. Although many people have to live with Tourette syndrome their whole lives, no medication is required for tic suppression because no kind of impairment has been caused by their tics.

Tourette syndrome is a disorder that is depicted by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations. These spontaneous motor and vocal occurrences are also known as tics. The exact cause of this syndrome has not yet been determined, but most people believe that tics occur from nerves not communicating with the brain properly. The symptoms of Tourette syndrome are usually recognized in the early years of childhood, beginning between the ages of 7 and 10 years old. People from every ethnic group are affected by Tourette syndrome; females are affected about three to four times less than males. Americans are said to undergo the most critical form of Tourette syndrome; in fact, it is estimated at a number of 200,000 America...

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...blems with reading, writing, and any kind of arithmetic. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms such as invasive thoughts/fears and recurring behaviors may occur within themselves. For instance, when someone worries about germs and dirt, they would repetitively wash their hands, and when someone with Tourette syndrome concern themselves about bad things happening, they would obtain custom behaviors such as ordering and arranging things, counting, or repeating phrases over and over again. People who obtain Tourette syndrome have also been accountable for problems with depression, anxiety, and other obstacles with living that may or may not be precisely linked to Tourette syndrome. Since there is such a broad range of possible complications, people with Tourette syndrome are greatly assisted if they receive medical care that offers an inclusive treatment plan (Coffman 1).

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