Pros And Cons Of Vaccination

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There are many parents today who are forced into vaccinate their children. Parents should not be required to vaccinate their children if they do not wish to for the reason vaccination can lead to future health conditions to the child. Studies have shown a vaccine could cause difficulties in the developmental growth of the child which could eventually lead to death. The children 's immune system is not prepare to fight all the disease, which are being exposed to when given the vaccine. The child has to be fully develop in order to be administered the vaccine by the doctors. Even though “today, in some areas of the United States more than 30 vaccines are being given to young children before the age of 3. When you inject so much mercury and so much other toxic material directly into the bloodstreams of vulnerable young children,…”(Snyder “Vaccines Cause Autism”). …show more content…

Not every child’s immune system is the same yet the doctors continue to install similar amounts of the dosage to each child. This is where a series of health complications arise in the child such as allergies, autism, and slow development of brain. A child is the one who is most vulnerable to an allergic reaction due to dose administered, he or she is not be able to communicate the pain he or she is experiencing. The child cannot speak at this age and will not able to communicate to anyone so he or she would most likely die if the problem is not detected on time. Also vaccinations are administered to the patients and most are unaware of what the doctors is injecting into them. Mercury is used to produce certain vaccination, which is a chemical that in time can hurt the body of a child. Religion plays a major role in vaccinations. Certain religions prohibit any substances to enter a pure body. Now, with all due respect

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