Persuasive Essay On Child Abuse

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Approximately, four children die every day..." (National child abuse statistics) as a consequence of child abuse and neglect. There are many different kinds of child abuse, and all of them can cause life-long damage to its victims. The types of abuse in neglect, physical, medical, emotional, sexual, and even abandonment. Child abuse is a serious crime that plagues America 's youth and should be stopped. Regrettably child abuse has been happening all over the world to young and older chilren, many of these theings are kept hidden, because the children are too scared to speak on the issues at home. People may have an idea as to what is going on with their child, but are delusional about the fact; they choose to stay quiet about due to fear,
After validating the cases the children who are to be turned into the custody of other people who will care for the kid properly. However, the care they find are not always the greatest; since you can find bad people every where. When I was younger my siblings and I were in the system for various of reasons that I will not explain, but my experience in foster care was horrible. First off, my brothers and I were separated from each other. We were segregated by boys with boys and girls together with the girls, and we all know how mean girls can be. Even till this day, every now and then I would ask my brothers what exactly do they remember when we were taken away from our parents. They would always reply with a I don 't remember comment. Although, I still remember my terrible experience, and I can say that I hated it and everyone treated me as if I was insignificant. I was secluded from all of the other kids and from the adults as well. The after affects from encountering the whole process of being taken away from my family and into the custody of the child protective services has helped mold me into the person that I am today. A kind, optimistic, and a strong individual who will work for the things tha I want to achieve. It has also helped me find my dream

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