Chemical Senses Essay

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Chemical senses play a very vital role in our everyday life. Without them we would not be able to have the opportunity to taste the way that we do today. Chemical senses are the way in which we perceive taste and smell unique to the individual. There are different ways as to how someone perceives taste and smell from one another. Taste can be described as four basic sensations: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, which can be combined in various ways to make all other taste sensations.("How does our sense of taste work?", 2017). Taste receptors (called taste buds) for these sensations are located on various areas of our tongue: front, sweet; sides, sour; sides and front, salty; and back, bitter. There are about 10,000 taste buds, which are …show more content…

We must have smell and taste in order for us to create or change anything about a meal. We have five senses which are, smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing which allows for us to navigate and survive in the world to which we live in. Two of our most important senses the sense of smell and taste. Our sense of smell happens when chemicals enter our nose in the midst of the breathing system. Smell receptors send main impetuses along the olfactory nerve to the olfactory handle at the base of the cerebrum. Many people may believe that our sense of smell, and taste are two separate sensations, but in reality what is out sense of smell without our sense of taste. When the two senses smell and taste are brought together a whole new sensation and meaning to something is brought about that would normally seem ordinary. Our sense of taste and smell affect each other in many ways. Our sense of smell and taste are very important when it also comes to cooking. Our senses can also be responsible for creating memories through our different sensory elements. When we are making memories we will send them our limbic system into our brain and there are memories are

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