Successful Student Essay

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What are the characteristics of a successful student? While the definition of "successful student" is changing over the years, youth knowledge nowadays must be broaden much more than just writing, reading and mathematics in order to succeed. To get into healthcare you need endeavor the concept of studying. To me it 's more than studying, its an experience. While you pursue your academic career you can become effective in your task and time management. Academics will set you up with both the knowledge and the mindset to gain that experience. To have a desire to be successful and to be considered as intrinsically motivated,socially proficient and goal oriented is not only building your character but strengthening your perception in life. Academics is both learning like books, chemistry, biology and also …show more content…

Furthermore, motivation can be a technique to encourage people so that they can perform their work more efficiently towards achievement or milestone. The world we live in today is busier and takes more of our attention than any of the previous generations would have ever imagined. Consider your daily responsibilities, then add the current technology to that mixture, and you are ultimately left with limited time for extracurricular activities. However, this should not deter us from extracurricular learning. One must have the driven force to succeed in starting their path of continuing education. I strong believe that whether it is required or not, continuing education can be important for career satisfaction. Now many individuals think of learning and immediately an image of a classroom comes to mind. Not to mention the ever increasing costs of tuition, as well as the investment of time it takes to go through college or continuing education classes. Much to our benefit, this does not have to be the case. Education should never be in

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