Essay On Cell Phones And Social Media

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Technology advances leaps and bounds each year, and people are able to communicate in new and faster ways all the time, particularly through cell phones and social media. These forms of communication have made many people fall trap to becoming addicted to spending more time online than interacting with real people. Cell phones and social media allow for people to not have to interact personally (face-to-face), with others, limiting many people from regularly developing and practicing interpersonal skills, and are being abused beyond their original purpose, to connect people. The overuse of cell phones and social media, how that overuse affects social interaction, and forming of antisocial behavior(s) shows that people who frequently use their phone and social media in public and social settings are more likely to exhibit antisocial traits and behavior. However, cell phones and social media also give people …show more content…

In Thomas Marble’s article for University Wire, he cites a study conducted at Baylor University in which it was found out that, on average, female college students spend ten hours on their phone daily, males about eight hours, and that this overuse could directly and negatively affect academic performance for students (Marble). Cell phones can be used to do a multiplicity of things, from texting to surfing the web to phone calls, but they are being used less and less for what their legacy counterparts were used for: talking. Sherry Turkle wrote an article titled “No Need to Call,” in which she claims that people are shifting away from using phones to talk (in a literal sense) to each other in favor of text based communications, such as text messaging, emails, and instant messaging, and supports her claims with real life examples of people she interviewed. Tara and Randolph both make very similar

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