The Importance Of Commitment

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When the organization develops and trains their employees, it is important to find innovative ways to keep them motivation to perform. Implementing career advancement and incentive programs will increase the chances of employee retention. These incentive programs are aimed to reinforce the preferred behavior, such as the quality of work. This assists the employees to render high-quality of service while keeping them motivated in the process. The manager needs to be aware of the difference between conducts that are retainers and the ones that are motivators. The objective of a retainer is to keep an individual working. The goal of motivation is to improve performance. To enhance performance, the organization must set a goal and develop ways to connect the achievement of these goals with a reward system. Increase in pay and a paid vacation is an incentive for many employees. There are many employees who have individual aspirations that are connected to their work performance and professional development. Good …show more content…

Researchers discovered that job experiences correlate to work satisfaction, the key component was commitment. Commitment is described as the acceptance of the objectives and standards of the organization; the motivation to make an effort on the behalf of the organization; and a desire to remain with the organization. Assuming that encouraging work experiences is favorable to the satisfaction are an important element in creating commitment, and that commitment is a main cause in getting individuals to remain with their organization, then presumably committed employees will be prone to accept organizational demands. Employees who remain motivated, pleased and committed to the company, are more than likely to continue, and enhance the growth, continued existence, and success rate of the business (Kleinbeck, et al,

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