Reflection Paper On Bill Clinton

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As the political scale of government has changed since 1981, Americans and Government leaders are creating ideas on how to get the United States back on track and “Back to Work”. Bill Clinton was inspired to write this book to the American people to inform them on what is going on in America and his thoughts on how to fix our nation. He has taken many stands throughout the book where he is in favor of many Democratic decisions but desires to do away with some of his parties ideas on issues, although for the most part he is not a strong supporter of the republican party throughout the book but looks to compromise to see a equilibrium ground between the two parties. In the book, Clinton is in favor of Barack Obama and backs him on most of his …show more content…

Too many times people get so lazy and so used to not doing anything and just getting a government check that no one wants to get out and work anymore for anything. Although I am not a Democrat I do see both sides of the spectrum that Republicans, as well as Democrats fight over. This book demonstrates the aspect of the Democratic voice of how to run the country and I am ready to read the Republican side to compare and contrast. In the end we may have modifications and differences but we are all Americans free and getting to work now. I really enjoyed reading this book and looking through different eyes of the beholder, I do like to the different ideas and transitions that are needed in our country. We need diversity and we need new ideas on trade deals and Medicare and even domestic problems. No matter whom makes up the idea or who makes things better just know that things will change and if it changes for the good it is because of you and if it changes for the bad it is the same people at fault, but it is time to look at our faults and grow. Even though I felt very strongly about the strengths , some of the weaknesses of the book is that from a Republican standpoint Bill Clinton ridiculed the Republican party for most decisions made. Such as , the financial debt reasoning or when something goes wrong with the government. In my opinion, he didn’t take the blame for maybe his mistakes and wanted to blame it on someone else like the Republican Party. Let’s face it both parties have different views and different ways of living but if we can be like our for fathers and work together to find a common ground then maybe Americans can truly once again stand together ; in economics, in beliefs , and most importantly in our freedoms and

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