Reflection Paper On History

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My experience through this history class has been enjoyable. It 's been a review in some ways of things I have learned. I have also learned new things throughout. I have learned new things involving the American history I never thought to pay attention. History is an essential part of the past as it has taught me where religion played role, new topics and uses throughout society. I have reviewed a lot of things that I seem to have forgotten over the years. I heard about in prior years of schooling the history of the United States. I have learned how religion played a role in the early years of the country 's history all the way back to the first discovery of the Americas in general. During this time in history, the Bible is a reference in several ways throughout the text. Learning how religion played such a role in United States history was something we never discussed in depth during my early years of school. During this semester, with having to write a reflection paper on where religion was found. It made me focus on how and where it 's played a part in history; this including Columbus landing in San Salvador and the Spanish …show more content…

Since this is the first time in almost ten years since I was in a history class. The only thing I would say is this class more in depth than the history classes I have had in the past. I would say this class was more in depth about how the early Americas were founded. An example of this when I talk about the elections and who was running for office for the elections. The book discusses in depth of election by who was running for election, why they were running, theirs believes, and they would do to improve the country. For me it was every president because we never where taught or covered their beliefs, why they were running or why they lost the election we mostly cover who was the

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