Losing Bethany

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This is what happens when I have all these ideas but they are all jumbled up. So, when I actually type out my story, it becomes so messy. Warning, do not read if you cannot stand such messy compositions. - “You know, even when I am old and wrinkly - even when I start to forget things and misplace my things - I will always love you,” Bethany whispers into Anthony’s ears. Anthony turns to face Bethany. It has always amazes Anthony how he had managed to find a girl like her. She is absolutely beautiful to him. Her blonde hair spilling in golden waves over her shoulders, reaching just slightly above her waist. Her natural pink lips always curling into a smile. Her hazel eyes sparkling with joy each time she talks to him animatedly. He loves her. Oh, he really does. “Do you want to know why?” Bethany asks while intertwining her fingers with his. “Why?” Anthony breathes out. "The mind forgets, but the heart does not." There she goes again, staring into blank space. That had to be the fourth time Anthony noticed her spacing out beside him while he does his sketching. It had not been the first time she did that either. For the past few days, Bethany Weston would just be sitting down while looking ahead of her. Except, she is not exactly looking at anything. She would zone out and then after a while, come back to reality. When that happens, she would appear confused for a moment, as though wondering where she was or why was she here, before actually coming to her senses. No doubt, Anthony did feel a little weird about the whole thing at first. Bethany is not one to daydream so easily. However, Anthony just takes it as Bethany being tired from the hours of baking, completing her customers’ orders.... ... middle of paper ... ... “Stay, stay. Don’t leave. Don’t ever leave,” Anthony murmurs against her lips. They are so close, salty tears mixing together. But they do not care. // "Will you leave?" Bethany answers with a faint smile, "I wouldn't dare." "Have you ever thought of leaving?" "Yes, many times." "We will get help for you. I promise." // Anthony fulfilled his promise and Bethany got the help she needed. She never got better, it is not possible anyway. But it does not matter, because when she forgets, he will remember for her. What matters is that, even through it all, the heart is the one that never wavers. --- A/N: I'm not exactly satisfied with the ending (in fact I thought it was horrible) but, honestly, I didn't know how to end it. Nevertheless, thank you for giving this a chance and reading it!

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