Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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What is protection? Should a person have to depend on another for their well-being, or should they have the ability to defend their own person? Concealed carry is a controversial issue, more so when it is allowed on college campuses. There are two sides to every stone and some people may only see the side facing up. When it comes to weapons, there is always a big ordeal about what will happen when a law is or is not put into play. If concealed carry is allowed on campuses terrorist may abuse this privilege as a way to perform mass shootings? What if others were also carrying a weapon and stopped the shooter? Would we see an increase in violence or suicides? These are a few of the many pros and cons of concealed carry on college campuses. Although …show more content…

If a student confronts another student, it could lead to one or both of them pulling a weapon. If this happens and other students begin to take sides with or without drawn weapons, will the situation end badly? Anger can become uncontrollable and lead to violence, going even further with drawn pistols. Suppose a professor gives a student a grade worse than what they were expecting. Sean Ahrens writes, “A teacher is in a heated discussion with a student and sees a gun — what now?” (Facilities Net). The outcome of this situation could lead to one in the hospital and the other in police …show more content…

These people claim that tension between teacher and students, a stalker and the stalked, or just between students will ultimately end in a weapon being drawn and a life being taken. Mike Guzman, president of Students for Concealed Carry, views carrying a handgun “huge responsibility,” but one that should be allowed on campus for people who have permits. Guzman states, “There have been bans on universities and schools because as a society we feel that guns shouldn’t be allowed,” while supporters of concealed carry on campus don’t understand why society thinks a person who is deemed rational enough to be allowed to carry a concealed gun in a public areas, will suddenly be “illogical and irrational” upon entering a school (Facilities Net). Claims against concealed carry are simply invalid because there is no difference between two or more people meeting outside of a school, while they are carrying a concealed weapon, and they enter an

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