The Art of Music Education

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School budgets have been hit hard in these difficult times of economic stress. Many have heard about how the arts and music programs are almost always the first to be cut, but this does not make sense in light of studies relating music education and higher math scores, an obvious goal of any school district. Because of this apparent logical fallacy, researchers have studied music and its place in elementary schools in the Tacoma Public School district. Allowing students to be involved in music programs stimulates their brains and helps them have greater success in school. Researchers began by searching for specific studies that relate music and other subjects, specifically math. They found “A study of 237 second grade children used piano keyboard training and newly designed math software to demonstrate improvement in math skills. The group scored 27% higher on proportional math and fractions tests than children that used only the math software (” People from the teaching profession have researched that when music is involved in schools, it increases scores in math, science, and the language arts. Another study of children from disadvantaged families found the children improved their test scores when given musical education. This assertion should force people to fight for music programs in their school district. One way children can learn musical notes is through counting fractions. “Music is written in measures, or small blocks of which there are a certain number of beats. If a song is in 3/4 time, that means there will be 3 beats per measure, with a quarter note counting as a single beat (” Test scores ...

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...ith our countries. According to some studies, babies who listen to music before they can talk, likely develop earlier than other infants. Listening or performing music is beautiful thing in someone’s stages of life. All public schools should have children stay motivated and maybe pick up and learn how to play an instrument. Instead of making the school suffer even more, students, teachers and parents should make donations or give charities. Making any type of effort will help the children get a better education.

Works Cited

<"Keep Music Education in Our Schools." HubPages. Web. 16 Mar. 2011. . <"Children and Music." Guitar Lessons in Wellington New Zealand. Wellington Guitar Tuition. Web. 16 Mar. 2011. .

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