Art: How Key Historical Events Serve as the Inspiration for Political Pieces

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The arts, are a window to the past they allow our current society to understand the thoughts and visions of previous artists and their movements. It is through the idealization of the form or the use of expressive and chaotic brush stokes that we are able to understand the purpose of a piece and acknowledge the metamorphosis art has undergone over the course of time. Both the visual and preforming arts serve as a vehicle of communication, we see how artists use powerful images express some of the most complex thoughts, opinions, and human emotions. It can be said, that art is a source of cultural enlightenment that allows us to understand the values and views of a certain region or group without having a firsthand experience. Art has been used in many different manners, “the glorification of religion, propaganda, symbolism, and” as a reflection of societies flaws and virtues. Humankind is not able to survive without basic resources such as food, water, and shelter; and it certainly cannot exist without art. From the very beginning of mankind humans have craved and indulged in any fo...

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