9/11 and Its Impact

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To this day, the terrorism attacks that took place on September 11, 2001 still weighs heavy in many people's hearts. Once the date of the thirteenth anniversary arrives, some may still not be able to grasp on the events that occurred 13 years ago. As a country, we have learned how to increase our safety and be cautious of all possible dangers. Unfortunately, some negative effects have not been addressed and fixed. We know what Americans went through, but not enough on the prejudice innocent Muslims have to go through on a daily basis. In order to end this there needs to be an understanding between both sides. Ever since 9/11, most Muslims, Arabs, or generally anyone from the Middle East, have been given the stamp of disapproval in America.
We get our knowledge of the happenings around the world from the media. The media can have both a positive and negative influence on how people see the world. The media has given a helping hand to how America generalizes the Muslims, Islams, and so on. Karen Keyworth, co-founder and director of education at the Islamic Schools League of America, expressed her frustration on American society, “U.S society is not doing a good job separating out terrorism from Islam.” (Whitman) When people watch the news, all they are presented is the chaos that occurs in the Middle East. This continues to be the only thing they see about these countries, which leads to false judgements How can we judge a certain population when we just take what is given and not go more in depth.
Awareness has to be raised to end the stereotyping of Muslims. If more public figures spoke up to show how wrong these stereotypes are than the public would not perceive muslims as a potential terrorist. Keyworth also stated people in ...

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...w that we see the other side of the fence we see an American. An American that happens to be Muslim. Lastly, we need to stop using 9/11 as a scapegoat on how we treat Muslims. That is just unfair to them and all the people who lost their lives that day. It is time to make peace and focus on real issues.

Works Cited

Friedman, Thomas L. Thomas L. Friedman Reporting: Searching for the Roots of 9/11. 2003. Photograph. bing.comWeb. 16 Jan 2014. .
Patel, Vimal. “Muslim family trying to break stigma after attacks.” Eagle, The (Bryan, TX) 11 Sept. 2011: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 1 Jan. 2014.
Whitman, Elizabeth. “Ten Years Later, Still Equating Terrorism with Islam.” Global Information Network. 11 Sept. 2011: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 01 Jan 2014.

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