Analyzing Carol Dweck's Essay 'Brainology'

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Educational Self-Analysis Carol Dweck wrote an essay on the two mindsets students can develop throughout their lifetime. This essay is titled “Brainology” and the two different mindsets are fixed and growth. A fixed mindset is someone who believes that a person should be naturally smart and not have to study or try hard to learn. A growth mindset is the complete opposite. She believes that your mindset is determined by your educational experience (Dweck 2). My educational experience was not the typical start in kindergarten and continue on through sixth grade, then move on to high school with the same students you met the first day of school. My experience started off in a different state and ended up in a city I would have never imagined …show more content…

Also seeing the difference between my parents and the teachers. My parents have worked in agriculture for most of their life and seeing how they get home from work every day tired and still having to cook and clean for my brothers and I had a great impact on me. I myself have worked with them and have experienced how hot it gets in the summer and how their working conditions are. Also they do not get holidays off, especially not with pay as other jobs do. Also I would like to be a role model for my younger brothers who analyze every move I make. I’m also grateful that I have had motivators who helped me overcome obstacles that were put in my …show more content…

My parents have motivated me the most by taking me to their work and showing me what awaits for me if I decide not to succeed in life or even try. When I was in elementary my parents would help me on my homework, whatever they could since they do not speak English. They would also ask me if I needed tutoring so they could take me or would ask one of my aunts to help me. My teachers in elementary were always looking out for me since I was the “new student” most of the time. They would give me advice and answer any questions I had. My parents did not praise me after every accomplishment but after I would get my report card. I also remember that once in third grade my mom bought me a dress to wear when I received the rewards I was going to be given. Dweck claimed that students who get praised are handed their self-esteem and cannot live without receiving a reward or receiving a compliment for what they do (3). I support Dweck but not completely, I liked receiving awards and getting told “good job” or “you worked hard for that” but because of that I didn’t stop trying in school if I did not get anything in return. For the same reason I did not get praised as much and that made me want to accomplish things for myself and not for others. No one personally has hindered my motivation, it has been circumstances mainly like having to wake up every morning at 5:30 to ride the bus

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