Analysis Of The Play 'Rainbow's End'

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The concept of discovery is a manifold notion. It comprises exploring something for the first time or it could be rediscovering something has been faded or lost, forgotten or concealed. People may experience different types of discovery which could be sudden and unexpected. However it may affect them physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. This response will focus on the idea discovery that relates to the themes of aboriginal connections to their family, place and culture and also the discrimination upon them. This well demonstrated thought the texts “Rainbow’s End” by Jane Harrison, the two poems “Son of Mine” and “We are going” by Oodgeroo Noonuccal as well as my chosen related text, the film “One night the moon” by Rachel Perkins. Each text presents a variety of discovery aspects that allows a deep understanding of the concept of discovery. Harrison’s Play ‘Rainbow’s End’ follows three brave Aboriginal women from different generations who fight for their right to be appreciated as the owners of the land and how each of them …show more content…

In act one scene thirteen discovery has been exposed through the dialogue that occurs between Errol and Dolly when Errol says “let’s get married and live life that would be better than the river” then Dolly refuses to go with Errol and she tells him that she loves her place and family and she will never leave them. This was unexpected discovery for us and at the same time for Errol when dolly refuses to go with Errol even though she loves him. The reasons for this to be unexpected discovery is that it affected the reader and Errol intellectually because it changed their way of view about the aboriginal people life’s which deputed Dolly’s unpleasant life but she still have her dignity and appreciation for her land, place and

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