Feminist Criticism In 'The Honest Trailer Of Frozen'

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Against the thoughts “Criticism is inevitable”. Humans tend to admire and evaluate elements of life, objects, places, ideas, whatever is in front of them. This means to analyze, judge or disapprove, is the human nature that cannot be controlled even though words are that being said, it happens in the human mind by default. When it comes to literature, criticism plays a major role as is explained in the book “The Norton Introduction to Literature”. Edited by Kelly J. Mays. Critical approaches have three essential elements in the literacy exchange or interaction process, which are the text, the source and the receiver. This three elements are so essential because eventually will help the writer to formulate questions giving the writer a solid …show more content…

In the trailer of frozen the first thing to analyze is how else is presented as “depressive prices with a confusing set to powers”. Embracing the stereotype of emotional women. Also as describing the set of powers its seen how snow-blasting presents weakness, dress making and castle building shows the gender role of women and the most important life creating life is what stablish the feminism critique of the movie as The Norton Introduction to Literature provides information on how females have to take the role of a mother in human psychological development. (2345). the third element of feminism presented in the Frozen trailer is where Anna is presented. “3 year of her adult life shut inside a castle, even though she could leave at any time”. And then, her quote: “I can like this anymore” gives an idea of an actual women abuse situation bringing the women oppression to catch the viewers’ attention. Last but not least the accusation that is made against men shows hate and feminism approach when men are recalled “disgusting lonelier, greedy murders, lying manipulative power hungry

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