Analysis Of House Rules By Jodi Picoult

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A. I am a strong believer that the tools individuals create, express who they are. In this case, Jodi Picoult writes an intriguing book.
B. The book House Rules by Jodi Picoult is a fiction book whose purpose is to bring controversial topics to the reader’s attention and challenge them to be empathetic towards the primary characters.
C. Jodi Picoult uses her own experience as a tool to enhance her characters. Each year of her life represents wisdom in every way possible; she truly challenges her fans to look into the mirror of truth when she mentions ethical issues.
D. Jodi Picoult deserves applause because she used her bestselling author position to educate people about Asperger’s syndrome and every character in her book is important which …show more content…

The book House Rules, by Jodi Picoult, is a fiction book whose purpose is to bring controversial topics to the reader’s attention, challenge them to be empathetic towards the primary characters and motivate them to think about our judgments. Jodi Picoult is a 50-year-old woman whose words produce youth. Picoult 's novels usually include ethical issues that pertain to different points of view. The technique of having each chapter with the voice of a different character demonstrates multiple sides of a situation and calls attention to areas of moral ambiguity. In addition to her profound literature, Picoult herself empathizes with the main character of her story. Picoult has a son who has a medical condition (Author interviews, page 2). Situations such as this can serve as a connection with the characters of house rules. A true artist uses their tools effectively; Picoult is a prodigy in literature. Jodi Picoult deserves applause because she uses her bestselling author position to educate people about Asperger’s syndrome and gives importance to each character in her story. This demonstrates her kindness and her ambition. Here are three critical elements that make her book an excellent read: the characters are brought to life, the book has a purpose and our perception is not blind to one

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